opencv — read,write,& show an image in 5 lines of code
hello all,
I am a Youtuber . Channel name = Powerful learning — click here
Opencv is a python library mainly used in artificial intelligence domain. It is used to deal with images and video. I have explained a very easy yet important basic concepts of opencv function in my video. To watch the process click here.
I didn’t download any python IDLE in my laptop. Instead I used google colaboratory to run python function. You need internet to run your code on this platform.
here is the code to read, write and show an image
import cv2
#importing opencv library
from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow
#since google colab doesnt support cv2.imshow() function you have to import its own cv2_imshow() package
image = cv2.imread(“powerful learning (5).png”)
#upload an sample image in colab. I have uploaded an image name “powerful learning (5).png”.
#image variable just read the image which I uploaded in google colab.
#imwrite function is used to copy and save the existing image. Here I renamed my uploaded image as PL.png
#since google colab doesnt support cv2.imshow(), type cv2_imshow()
Thanks for reading.